80 20 T Slot Framing

2020 is a 2.00” x 2.00” fractional 10 series square T-slot profile with eight open T-slots, two on each 2.00” face. The profile has align-a-grooves to assist in alignment when connecting profiles. The 2020 profile is compatible with 10 series fasteners and has a center cavity that can be pressurized up to 150 psi. 80/20 provides T-slot aluminum profiles, or bars, that have channels used to connect other bars and parts — for instance, panels, linear bearings or casters. It is a building system anyone can use to create custom solutions. 80/20 UNIVERSITY One of the many benefits you'll find with 80/20.
- Metric T Slot Aluminum Profiles
- Connectors
- Fasteners
- Accessories
- Frame to Floor

- Panel Accessories
- CarboSix Carbon Fiber
Two of the most important things a manufacturing engineer needs: flexibility and speed. With T-Slot Aluminum, you get that and more. No need to weld, no need to clamp, and no need to cut and finish. Additionally, it's corrosion resistance makes it sought after by almost every industry and costs less than welding/finishing steel. Get whatever you need built fast and strong with our inch-series profile of extruded aluminum.
80 20 Structural Framing
The 80 20 Aluminum Rule and Framing Tech’s T-slot Aluminum Inch Profiles
Customers often ask why we carry essentially the same line of extruded aluminum T-slot profiles, but in two different measuring systems: metric and fractional (inch). The reason, quite simply, is convenience. While most of the rest of the world works almost exclusively using metric measurements, the United States remains very much a two-system country, where both metric and fractional (or imperial) measurements are used, depending on the application, and often side by side. For example, a custom fabrication may need to be designed to fit into a space originally measured out in inches; and in that instance, it would be appropriate to use inch profiles to build the fabrication for a perfect fit. And some do-it-yourselfers just prefer to think in inches rather than metrically.
80 20 T Slot Framing Nailer
But whether the fabrication is built using metric or inch aluminum profiles, the 80/20 Rule still generally applies. That is to say, in many instances about 80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts. By incorporating our Aluminum T-slot Extrusion and accessories into your projects, we can help you achieve this by decreasing your design time, assembly time, and increasing your overall efficiency.