Casino Huisduinen

Oude Casino Huisduinen
As in other places in the Netherlands, much of the Atlantic Wall in Den Helder disappeared after the war. But fortunately, several exceptional buildings survived. At the beginning of this century, one bunker and two building complexes were added to the list of national monuments: the communications bunker adjacent to the current station, the infirmary on the Nieuwe Weg and the artillery park in Huisduinen. Strangely enough, the Flakgruppencommandostand, commonly known as the ‘Kroontjesbunker’, is not on the list although it is the only one of its kind in Western Europe. This is also the case for the two bunkers of Battery Zanddijk near Strandslag Zandloper (path to the beach).
The former German navy administrative building in Huisduinen – the Casino – now houses the Atlantic Wall Centre. In the centre you can find a lot of information about Den Helder during WWII. The Atlantic Wall Centre is also the starting point of the Atlantic Wall in the Wadden. Grand Hotel Beatrix is rated "Very good" by our guests. Take a look through our photo library, read reviews from real guests and book now with our Price Guarantee. We’ll even let you know about secret offers and sales when you sign up to our emails. Huisduinen; Cable type Kss; Other (3) Casino 2013 (2) Casino 2008 (2) Tobruk; Vf personnel; Workshop navy; Luftschutz; FlaGruKo; Fl 250 (2) M 151; Vf water; Dutch. Casino Huisduinen Nieuws uit de Duinen. De firma Oosterbeek en zn is vandaag begonnen aan de sloop van Casino wel te verstaan de tussen muurtjes en de restanten van het dak,ze hopen er snel mee.

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A few crew bunkers from the new southern front at Blauwe Keet are still visible, as is the last bit of anti-tank ditch with a bunker for flanking artillery at the very end. On the side, towards the dunes, a piece of dragon’s teeth obstacle can still be seen but the artillery bunkers are now buried in the sand. The Mammut bunker is located at Blauwe Keet, but it too is buried in the dune sand. The command bunker on the Nollenterrein is still there, as is the hospital bunker in the Timorpark. The anti-aircraft artillery battery at Fort Dirks Admiraal is also still intact.
A route has been created along the bunkers in Den Helder. The route map is available at Fort Kuikduin.