Poker Fixed Limit


Poker Strategy

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Another low limit is $4/8, which is the lowest limit available at places like the Bellagio’s poker room. From those lower limits, the various games offered can include $6/12, $8/16, $10/20, $15/30, $20/40, $30/60 on up. Fixed Limit Fixed limit is considered the most difficult of all games, as it gives the least freedom to how much you can bet. As a matter of fact, the amount you bet is always fixed. This is usually set in advance.

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  • In a fixed limit poker game, the first few betting rounds have one required bet amount and the last few require a bet that is double in size. For example, in a hold'em game, which has four betting rounds, the first two (pre-flop and flop) would have the smaller fixed bet while the last two (turn and river) would have the larger fixed bet.
  • The fundamental difference with Fixed Limit Poker strategy is that you can only bet one amount at any one time, and can only reraise a set number of times, per street. This limits the number of decisions available to you, and as a result there is usually a more definitive answer of whether a particular play is right or wrong.

Fixed-Limit Texas Holdem has been waning in popularity since poker exploded around the turn of the millennium. That being said, it was once the standard in casinos the world over, and to this day it is a very popular form of poker in both cash games and tournaments alike.

For players used to the wild and crazy game of chicken that is no-limit holdem, fixed-limit holdem is a game of patience and calculated risk. The winner is the player who is the most consistent over time, the most calculating, the least susceptible to tilt, and the most attentive to his opponent’s tendencies.

These tips are meant to be an introduction to the game of limit holdem for players familiar with no-limit holdem.

Top 5 Tips for Fixed-Limit Holdem.

1. Play Premium Starting Hands

There are several important differences between no-limit and fixed limit holdem. Because there is a limit on how much you can raise pre-flop, it is more difficult to push players out of the pot. For this reason you will often play multi-way pots post flop in a fixed limit game as opposed to no-limit holdem which is usually heads up post flop.

Poker Fixed Limit

Additionally, the bet sizes are fixed on the flop, turn, and river. This prevents you from easily forcing your opponents to make a real decision early in the hand. For this reason, play often continues all the way to a showdown.

Playing very strong starting hands will allow you to exploit these characteristics of fixed-limit holdem. You will be favored over the opposition throughout the hand if you are more selective with your starting hands.

Strong pairs, AK, AQ, and very strong suited connectors and suited broadway cards are good hands to start with. Open your range up slightly in late position and on the button.

Poker Fixed Limit

2. Play Your Draws For Maximum Value

Since you cannot be forced out of the pot, and because pots are frequently played 3 and 4-handed, the value of a good draw goes up in limit holdem. You are usually being given favorable odds to draw to your open ended straight draw or flush draw.

In fact, if you have an open ended straight draw and a flush draw, your hand is so powerful that you can play it as if it were a made hand. Especially in multi-way pots, push your hand for value and raise your opponents as if you had already made your draw.

3. Learn the Power of the Check-Raise

Learn to check-raise both for value and as a bluff.

The timing of this play can be tricky, do you want to check-raise the flop, or wait for the turn or river. Another piece of the puzzle is learning who at the table will respect your show of strength and who is likely to play the Sherriff.

Check-raising is also a good way to try drive out players who may want to draw to the turn for a single bet. If you suspect the position player is likely to bet, you can check your made hand expecting the other players to check to the position player, who may bet and allow you to make it two bets to go. This extra money in the pot will make it difficult for the remaining players to play their draws profitably.

4. A Bet Saved is a Bet Won

Learning how not to chase weak flush draws and low straights, learning to fold medium strength hands when there is heavy action in front of you, and generally learning to save bets is a great way to improve your win rate in limit holdem.

It can be very tempting to chase a weak draw planning to bluff if you miss your card. This might be a justifiable line of play in very specific circumstances or against a specific opponent. Generally speaking however, aggressive lines of play like the one described aren’t advisable in fixed limit holdem.

On the other side of the coin, if you are value betting an overpair, and the worst possible card comes off on the river and you get raised, more often than not you should fold.

Learn to save bets and you will make more money.

5. Practice

Limit holdem is a grindy game that takes time to learn properly.

You can always watch videos and read articles to learn about the game. Getting advice from other more experienced players on a poker forum website is another great way to improve your game. But ultimately, time in the hot seat is the only way to really improve your limit holdem game.

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From a personal point of view shorthanded fixed limit texas holdem (what an awkward and long name for a poker game..) is the funniest poker game to play on the internet. However I’m aware that there are also people who find all kind of fixed limit poker extremely boring and annoying because of the lack of all ins and the amount of outdraws and bad beats. However for those of you who enjoy playing the game (or just play it for some other reason) I have decided to list some basic tips to this game.

The tips aren’t exactly advanced and even the complete beginners and people who are new to this game and even poker all together should be able to get something out of the advices. However I obviously can’t guarantee that these strategy tips will make you money or turn you into a winning player, simply because there are so many variables in poker and I personally hate all kinds of guaranteed money tips (as they obviously never are such and most likely just suck).

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Best tips for shorthanded fixed limit texas holdem poker:

1: Have a sufficient bankroll. If you are a losing player obviously no amount of bankroll will be able to prevent you from going broke over a long period of time. However even if you are a winning player (and determining it most likely takes longer than you think) you should have at least a 500 big bet bankroll for the game you are playing, so if you play $1/$2 6 max FL try to keep at least a $1,000 bankroll at all times.

2: Don’t be afraid to valuebet thinly. In No limit and pot limit games majority of your profit comes from the big pots which you win with great hands. In fixed limit majority of your profit comes from winning the small and medium sized pots with decent and even with bad hands. Thus you need to make sure that when you have such a decent or bad hand that is actually the best hand in the pot you get the maximum value out of your opponents. Lot of times you can even valuebet hands such as AK high on river. Unfortunately developing sense for when you can value bet thinly takes experience and trying so it will most likely take some time before you know in what spots you can valuebet thinly, thus if you are new to the game you should start from the smallest possible games in which you can play your best poker.

Poker Fixed Limit Definition

3: Find your opponents leaks and exploit them non-stop. Fixed limit holdem really is a game about exploiting your opponents mistakes and making sure your opponents make more mistakes than you do. Thus you should be non-stop on lookout for your opponents leaks and when you spot them take the full of advantage of them. For an example if you notice that someone is folding too much to turn check-raises or folding too much to river bets don’t be afraid of bluffing in those spots. However against the thinking players you also need to balance your range in those spots and from time to time for an example throw in the value check-raise on turn.

Poker Bankroll Management Fixed Limit

4: Game select tirelessly. In all type of poker almost all your winnings come from the weak players and the players who don’t really have a clear understanding about the game they are playing. Thus you should be trying to find the games with bad players and leave the games you are playing as soon as you notice that there are no bad or weak players left to play against.

5: When you start steaming give up for the day and save your bankroll. The edges are really small in all the fixed limit games. For an example you can rarely expect to earn more than 5Big bets/100 hands on average even in the good games (which you only should be playing thanks to the game selecting) and thus if you tend to tilt and spew your money around it is easy to understand that just a few tilting days per month can destroy your whole winning rate. Thus the moment you start feeling like you are steamed simply give up for the day and come back only when you feel ready to play your best poker again.

Poker Strategy Fixed Limit

You can try these FL holdem strategy tips for an example at the Everest Poker online poker site. They have a decent amount of games running at any time of the day and you shouldn’t have problems with finding good games at least up to the $5/$10 levels. They also offer first deposit bonus and VIP payment system for their players which give you some good extra value.