Shannon Stash Poker

Shannon starts, misses a vowel, uses the Free Spin and solves SHARING A BANANA SPLIT for $5,350. She is up to $7,200 in cash. $3,000 Tossup is PROPER NAME. Shannon quickly solves REESE WITHERSPOON giving her $10,200 and the lead. Shannon Stash KQB681 GPID is a unique identification number, assigned to each individual player, that will be used in the future in order to register for most poker tournaments around the world.
Event 1: McGuinness Over One Million with Double Elimination
$200+$30 Friday Monster Stack NLH
$30,000 Guarantee
Level 20: 10,000/20,000 with a 3,000 ante
Players Remaining: 25 of 209
Mike McGuinness
Christopher Trencher opened to 57,000 from early position, Shannon Stash moved all in from middle position for 147,000, and Mike McGuinness from the small blind put out a stack of 25k chips.
Trencher thought about it then called all in for around 300,000 with . Stash tabled and McGuinness needed to improve with his .
The board came and McGuinness spiked a queen on the flop to score a double elimination.
Shannon Stash Poker Twitter
Mike McGuinness – 1,060,000 (53 bb)
Christopher Trencher – Eliminated in 26th Place ($365)
Shannon Stash – Eliminated in 27th Place ($365)