Gambling Dice Terms


Craps: A game involving dice and the establishing of points to wager on. Or, Dice term for a roll totaling 2, 3, and 12. Crossroader: A casino cheat. Croupier: The French word for dealer, used in the games of baccarat, craps, and roulette. Casino & Gambling Glossary - Find out the meaning of gambling and casino games terms in our comprehensive guide covering on and off line gaming. A single roll bet for a specific combination of dice to come out. Pays 15:1 for easy ways and 30:1 for hard ways horn A divided bet on the 2, 3, 11, 12 horn high A horn bet with addition units going to a specific number. For example 'horn high ace deuce' would generally mean a 5 unit bet with 2 units going on the 3. “Gambling is the child of avarice, the brother of iniquity, and the father of mischief.” – George Washington “Gambling is a sickness, a disease, an addiction, an insanity, and is always a loser in the long run.” “Gambling can be just as addictive as drugs and alcohol.

  1. Gambling Dice Terms Examples
  2. Gambling Dice Terms Meaning
  3. Gambling Dice Terms Definition


86'd (eighty-sixed): The act of getting booted from a casino for cheating.

Action: Sum total of your winnings.

All in: In poker, to put your last remaining chips into the pot.

Ante: In poker, a small portion of the minimum bet that each player is required to put into the pot before a new hand starts.

Any craps: A one roll bet in craps totaling 2, 3, or 12.

Any seven: A one roll bet in craps totaling any 7.

Baccarat: A card game where the winning hand totals closest to 9 discounting all units of 10.

Bankroll: Amount of money an individual or a casino has to gamble with.

Basic strategy: In blackjack, the set of plays that you should make to maximize your advantage.

Betting limits: In a table game, the minimum and maximum amounts of money that you can wager on one bet. You cannot wager less than the minimum or more than the maximum amount posted.

Black: $100 casino chip.

Blackjack: A card game where players try to beat the dealer by getting closest to 21 without going over.

Blind: A bet that certain poker players are required to make because of their betting positions.

Bluff: In poker, players bluff when raising with a weak hand in hopes of driving out players with stronger hands.

Board: In poker, the community cards dealt face-up in the center of the table are referred to as on the “board.”

Boat: In poker, another term for a full house, a pair and three of a kind.

Book: The room where sports and race bets are made.

Boxcars: Rolling two sixes (12) in craps.

Boxman: The craps dealer who sits over the drop box and supervises bets and payoffs.

Bring-in: In seven-card stud, the bring-in is a mandatory bet made by the player with the lowest upcard in the first round of betting.

Burn card: In card games, the card temporarily removed from play. After a shuffle and cut, one card is placed on the bottom of the deck or in the discard tray, which is called burning the card.

Bust: To exceed a card total of 21 in Blackjack.

Call: In poker, when a player matches the current bet on the table.

Card counting: Keeping track of all cards that have been played since the shuffle.

Caribbean Stud: A five-card poker game where all the players are playing against the house.

Carpet joint: A casino catering to high rollers.

Casino advantage: The edge that the house has over the players.

Check: In casino gambling, a check is another term for a chip. In poker, a player can check in order to stay in the game but not bet.

Chips: Round tokens that are used on casino gaming tables in lieu of cash.

Color up: When a player leaving a game exchanges smaller denomination chips for larger denomination chips.

Come Bet: In Craps A wager placed on the come line.

Come-Out Roll: In Craps, the first roll of the dice or the first roll after a point has been made. This roll establishes the point.

Comp: Short for free or complimentary.

Coupons: Redeemable for nearly everything from a free meal to a free pull on a slot machine. (Ask the hotel whether it has a coupon book.)

Cover: A wager where the point spread is met for a win.

Craps: A game involving dice and the establishing of points to wager on. or, Dice term for a roll totaling 2, 3, and 12.

Crossroader: A casino cheat.

Croupier: The French word for dealer, used in the games of baccarat, craps, and roulette.

Gambling dice terms

Cut card: A card of different color that is used to cut a deck of cards.

Cut: When the dealer divides a deck into two parts and inverts them after they have been well shuffled.

Dark: No show; as in Dark Sundays means no shows on Sunday.

Deal: To give out the cards during a hand in blackjack and poker.

Designated dealer: In poker games like Texas hold ‘em, the player to the left of the dealer bets first. In a poker room where each game has a resident dealer, a different player serves as the designated dealer for each hand.

Deuce: A two card or on a die.

Dice: Two identical numbered cubes.

Discard tray: A tray on the dealer’s right side that holds all the cards that have been played or discarded.

Double down: In blackjack, it is the player’s option to double their original bet in exchange for receiving only one more card. To do this the player turns over their first two cards and places an equal bet alongside the original bet. Some casinos limit this to card totals of 10 or 11, others allow it on any first two cards.

Draw: In draw poker, the second round of cards that are dealt.

Drop box: A locked box located on live gambling tables where dealers deposit paper money.

Drop: Total cash traded for chips at the gambling table.

Edge: The casino's advantage often referred to as the house advantage. An advantage over an opponent.

Even money: A bet that pays you back the same amount that you wagered, plus your original wager. Shown as a ratio of 1:1.

Exotic wager: Any wager other than a straight bet or parlay (also referred to as a proposition or prop).

Expected win rate: A percentage of the total amount of money wagered that you can expect to win or lose over time.

Eye in the Sky: One-way mirror surveillance in the casino area.

Face cards: The jack, queen, and king of any suit of cards

. First base: At the blackjack table, the position on the far left of the dealer is considered to be first base and is the first position dealt with.

Fishing: A player who stays in a poker game longer than advisable generally is fishing for the card or two that will make the hand a winner.

Flat top: A slot machine whose jackpot is always a fixed amount, as opposed to a progressive.

Fold: In poker, when a player declines a bet and drops out of the hand.

Folding money: Greenbacks, dollars, dineros.

Form: A tabloid used for horse racing data.

Front money: Cash or bank checks deposited with the casino to establish credit for a player who bets against that money.

George: A casino patron who is a big tipper. Antonym: Stiff.

Getting down: Placing a bet.

Green chips, Greens, Greenys: $25 casino chip.

Grind joint: Casino that caters to low rollers . See also Sawdust Joint.

Grinder: Low roller.

Hand: Refers to the cards that you hold, or to everything that happens in a card game between shuffles of the deck.

Hard count: Counting the change from slot machines.

High roller: A customer with the reputation of wagering large sums of money in the casino.

Hit me: A phrase used by blackjack players who want another card from the dealer. Usually used in connection with a hand signal.

Hold: House profit from all the wagers.

House advantage: Mathematical edge for winning that the casino gives itself.

In red: A comped customer's name usually appears 'in red' on a maitre d's reservation chart.

Juice: Refers to the amount of money you pay over and above your sports bet, insuring that the casino makes money whether you win or lose.

Junket: A group of high rollers flown in on a chartered plane by the casino.

Ladderman: A baccarat supervisor.

Laying a price: Playing a favorite.

Layoff: Money bet by a house with another bookmaker to reduce its liability.

Limit: The least or maximum bet accepted at a gaming table.

Line: The odds on a game (also referred to as price).

Lock: A surefire winner (there really is no such proposition).

Loose: Slot machines are loose when they are paying off and giving the house only a small advantage over the player.

Low roller: A player who makes small bets; a grinder.

Marker: An IOU owed the casino by a gambler allowed by the hotel to play on credit.

Marryin' Sam: Wedding chapel minister.

Matador: A cover that occurs in the waning moments of a game (also referred to as a back door cover)

Mush: A bettor who is bad luck.

Odds: Ratio of probabilities. Chances of winning expressed in terms of currency.

Off the board: A game on which bookmakers are not accepting wagers (generally because of injuries).

One-Roll Bets: Wagers that will win or lose depending on the very next roll.

Open: In poker, the player who bets first.

Pair: Any two cards that have the same rank.

Pallette: The flat paddle used on baccarat tables to scoop the cards.

Parlay: One bet ticket written with at least two wagers (all must win for the ticket to cash).

Pass Line: The area where a pass line bet is placed.

Pass: To not bet, to fold.

Pastposting: The act of increasing or decreasing your bet after the hand/roll/spin has completed. Cheating.

Payoff: Your payback; the return you see on a wager.

Pigeon: A gambler who chases his/her losses. See also Plunger and Steamer.

Pit boss: A casino boss who oversees numerous table dealers.

Pit: The casino employee area behind the table games.

Plunger: A gambler who chases his/her losses. See also Pigeon and Steamer.

Pot: In a poker game, the amount of money that accumulates in the middle of the table as each player antes, bets, and raises. The pot goes to the winner of the hand.

Punter: One who gambles in the casino – the player.

Puppy: The underdog.

Rack: Simply the device that holds the chips on gaming tables.

Raise: In poker, a player raises by matching the previous bet and then betting more, to increase the stake for remaining players.

Rake: The money that the casino charges for each hand of poker. It is usually a percentage (5-10%) or flat fee that is taken from the pot after each round of betting.

RFB Comp: Room, Food and Beverage complimentary from the hotel.

Roulette: The roulette wheel features the numbers 1 through 36 in alternating red and black, and two green spaces including “0” and “00.” Players can be on a single number, a row or column of numbers, red or black, odd or even, or 1 through 18 or 19 through 36. Players place their chips on the betting layout. Betting continues until the dealer signals, “No more bets.” When the ball comes to rest on a number, all wagers are settled. Odds range from even money to 35 to 1.

Rundown: A list of odds on a particular day's games.

Runner: One who places bets for another.

Sawdust Joint: Casino catering to low roller. See also Grind Joint.

Scalper: Someone who bets both sides of a game.

Score: A big win.

Sharp: A sophisticated or professional sports bettor.

Shill: An employee of the gaming establishment that starts a game.

Shoe: A container from which several decks of cards are dealt on the Baccarat and blackjack tables which prevents the dealer from holding cards.

Shooter: A gambler who is rolling the dice on a craps table.

Shuffle: Before each hand the dealer mixes up the order of the cards.

Soft Count: Counting the folding money.

Spoon: A device used by slot machine cheaters.

Square: A novice sports bettor.

Steal: In poker, to win the pot by bluffing.

Steamer: A gambler who chases his/her losses. See also Pigeon and Plunger.

Stickman: The dealer who moves the dice around on a craps table with a hook-shaped stick.

Stiff: A casino player who never tips or tokes regardless of how much they win.

The Cage: Where a casino keeps its money.

The Pencil: Authority. For example, pit bosses have the pencil to grant players free rooms and authorize markers.

Tip: Same as a toke.

Toke: Gratuity or tip.

Turkey: A gambler who is unpleasant to the dealer.

Underlay: A bad bet; an event that has more money bet on its happening than can be justified by the probability of it happening.

Vigorish: The fee, or commission taken by the house.

Whales: Gamblers who are so wealthy that they routinely lose millions without batting an eye. There are an estimated 250 whales in the world.

Wise guy: A professional sports bettor.

A bet on a 2 in the next roll

The casino edge or house over the players on any bet

Any Craps
A one-roll bet on a 2, 3 or 12 in the next roll.

Any Seven
A one-roll bet on a 7 in the next roll

A craps player that has an exceptional skill for shooting the dice which temporarily alters the odds of the game, the player may said to be ‘on the roll.’

Back Line
Don’t Pass Line.

Behind the Line
Bet on free odds after the come out roll and after a point number has been set.

Betting Right
A bet with the shooter, Come and Pass Line bets

Betting Wrong
A bet against the shooter, Don’t Come and Don’t Pass bets

Big Eight
An even-money bet that an 8 will come up before a 7.

Big Six
An even-money bet that the shooter will roll a 6 before rolling a 7.

Big Red
A bet on a 7

Box Numbers
The betting boxes on the table around the numbers 4, 5, 6, 8, and 10.

A roll of 12

Box man
The casino supervisor who stands between the dealers and across from the stickman supervises the game and guards the chips.

A bet on each Hardway and a Seven.

Buy Bet

Paying the casino a 5% commission on a Place bet to play with corrected odds

Bring Out:
A bet on the Hardway of a point to ‘bring out’ the point.

Capped Dice
Loaded or crooked dice

Center Bets
Proposition bets, placed in the centre of the table between the Hardway bet and all one-roll bets.

Cold Dice
Dice that don’t pass a disproportionate amount of the time

Cold Table
The shooters are losing at this table either on the come out roll or when they attempt to make the point.

Come Bet
The equivalent of a Pass Line bet on the rolls after the come out roll.

Come Box
Area on the table for Come bets.

Come Out Roll
The first roll after a round of betting that ends in a win when rolling a natural, and a loss when rolling a craps, or a point being determined for following rolls in the round.

Coming Out
The shooter is going to throw a come out roll.

Shooting a 2, 3 or 12 on the come out roll

Craps Out
Throws a craps on the come out roll, an automatic loss for Pass Line bettors.

Casino employees who manage the craps table – they are two dealers; the stickman and the box man.

Casino employees at a craps table who collect losses and pay winning bets to the craps players.

A pair of six-sided cubes numbered from 1 to 6, whose combination, when they stop after being rolled, determine the outcome of the game.

Singular for dice, a single cube.

Don’t Come Bet
A bet after the come out roll, against the shooter, betting on a 7 before rolling the point.

Don’t Come Box
The area on the table with Don’t Come bets

Don’t Pass Bar
The place on the table where you play Don’t Pass bets. (aka Don’t Pass Line)

Don’t Pass Bet
A bet on the come out roll against the shooter. A bet on 2, 3 or 12

Don’t Pass Line
The place on the table layout for Don’t Pass bets. (Aka Don’t Pass Bar.)

Double Odds
Free odds bet doubling the initial Come, Don’t Come, Pass Line and Don’t Pass Line bets.

Easy Way
Any roll of a 4, 6, 8 or 10 where each die is different.

The advantage the casino has over the player on any given wager, expressed as a percentage.

Even Money
1:1 payoff

Field Bet
A bet on a 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11 or 12

Five-times Odds
Free odds bets put at five times the original bet.

Free Odds Bet
Pass and Don’t Pass bets, Come or Don’t Come bets placed after the initial roll at true odds.

Front Line
The place on the table layout to make Pass Line bets. (Aka Pass Line.)

A number being rolled as a double, for instance, a 2 +2, 4+4, etc.

Hardway Bet
A bet on a 4, 6, 8 or 10 as a pair before the shooter rolls the easy way and a 7.

A bet on e a 2 or 12

Hope Bet
One roll bet on a specific dice combination.

Hoping Hardway
A Hope bet on a 2 – 2.

Horn Bet
A one-roll bet on 2, 3, 11 and 12.

Horn High Bet
A one-roll bet on 2, 3, 11 and 12, with 2 parts bet on 12, and a part each bet on 2, 3 and 11.

Hot Roll
Dice a shooter holds for a long time before ‘sevening out’. Dice that keep on passing.

Hot Table
A table in which shooters frequently make the point.

Inside Numbers
Bets on 5, 6, 8 and 9

Insurance Bet
Multiple bets to partially cover one another.

Lay Bet
A bet that a 7 will come up before the point number. Wrong betters pay a 5% commission.

Lay Odds
An extra odds bet against the dice and often placed because of the odds.

The imprint on the craps table marked with different betting areas.

Line Bet
A Pass Line or Don’t Pass bet.

Little Joe
A roll of a hard 4 (2 – 2)

Loaded Dice
Dice improperly weighted to influence the outcome of the roll.

Marker Puck
A two-sided plastic disk for marking the point on the Craps table or showing that no point has been establish. ‘Off’ for no established point, or ‘On’ when marking a point.

A one-roll bet on 12

A 7 or 11 roll on the come out roll, aka a natural 7 or natural 11.

Odds Bet
A bet where the casino has no edge.

On the following dice roll, certain bets will be safe.

One Roll Bets
Bets for the next and only the next roll of the dice; the bet is won or lost at the conclusion of the next roll.

Out 7
A 7 that comes up after the come out bet

Outside Numbers
The numbers 4, 5, 9 and 10 to make a place bet.

Taking the winnings from one bet and adding them to a bet and betting all the money

Pass Line
The area on the table for Pass Line bets. (Aka the Front Line.)

Pass Line Bet
Betting with the shooter, aka betting with the dice.

Place Bet
A bet on that a place number (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10) will come up before a 7, placed in the box numbers area of the table layout.

Place Numbers
4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10

Playing the Field
A Bet on a 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, or 12.

Point Number
A 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10 come up on the come out roll. To win, the shooter must throw the point number again before rolling a 7. Aka the point

Press a Bet
To double or parlay a bet

Proposition Bets
The Hardway bet as well as all one-roll bets in the center of the table layout. (Aka Center Bets.)

The grooved area at the top of the craps table layout with players’ chips when they are not being wagered.

Right Bettor
A player that bets on the shooter (or dice) will pass or win on the come out roll or make the point.

Sequence Bet
A bet that can take more than one roll for the outcome to be determined.

Seven Out
When the shooter rolls a 7 after establishing a point, but before repeating the point number. The dice pass to the next player.

Gambling Dice Terms Examples

A series of rolls before the shooter ‘sevens out’.

The player who rolls the dice.

Snake Eyes
Rolling a 2.

Casino employee scooping the dice and returning them to the shooter with the stick and calling the dice rolls.

Take the Odds
Making a free-odds bet as a right bettor. Taking the odds gives the craps player a slight edge over the house.

Ten-times Odds
A free-odds bet made at ten times the original bet.

Triple Odds
A free-odds bet placed at 3x the original bet.

True Odds
The odds that any given number will come up on any roll.

The commission taken by the casino.

The next dice roll place certain bets at risk.

Whirl Bet
An equal bet on 2, 3, 7, 11 and 12.

Gambling Dice Terms Meaning

Wrong Bettor
A player betting against the shooter, on that the dice won’t pass or that the player won’t make the point.

Gambling Dice Terms Definition

Aka ‘yo-leven.’ Instead of the number 11 so that it isn’t confused with the number 7.